If you are unsure of what the contraindications to acupuncture are, please take a look at this list.
Acupuncture is a safe treatment when performed by someone who has been trained and assessed as safe and competent. There are fortunately very few conditions where acupuncture treatment is contraindicated. In fact acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many conditions where many other forms of treatment are contraindicated, such as cancer.
Absolute Contraindications to Acupuncture
- Certain points are contraindicated during pregnancy.
- Patients who have uncontrolled movements.
- Limbs at risk of lymphoedema.
- Areas of spinal instability. Where the resulting relaxation of the surrounding muscles could potentially give rise to spinal cord compression.
- The needling of scars, keloid, recent wounds or skin with sensory deficit.
- The needling of intracapusular points if the patient is on anticoagulant therapy or is a haemophiliac.
Relative Contraindications to Acupuncture
- Acute stroke
- Patients with cancer
- Areas of poor skin condition
- Diabetic patients
- Patients with epilepsy
- Haemophilia or other clotting disorders
Special Precautions
- Bleeding tendency
- Immunosuppression,
- Epilepsy
- Pregnancy
- Unclear diagnosis
- Abnormal physical structure
- Patient who needs to drive after acupuncture treatment
- Strong reactors to acupuncture
For more information visit the BMAS website.
Click here for more information about acupuncture for the menopause